Tuesday 6 March 2012

Safety Concerns in Tanning Salons

If salons had pants, they’d be on fire now. This, because according to an investigative report conducted by the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, few salons are forthright about the health risks of indoor tanning.

The investigation involved about 300 indoor tanning salons throughout the country.  These salons, the investigation revealed, told would-be patrons that indoor tanning posed no health risks. Also, over half of them denied that the fake sun increased cancer risk, saying that such risk was mere “rumor” and “hype.” 

Seventy-five percent of the salons, in fact, claimed that indoor tanning is beneficial to health.
As a matter of good practice, salon workers and cosmetologists—from those who have taken Kentucky cosmetology CE to those taking Texas cosmetology CE to renew their cosmetology license—are familiarized in cosmetology class with potential health hazards at salons and are also taught how to mitigate exposure to these hazards for their clients and for themselves. 

“The potential effect of this report is huge,” remarked Dr. Suzanne Connolly, vice president of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). “We must grab the attention of our population and educate them.  It’s a big opportunity for improving health by reducing risk through education.”
Worse, salons told the investigators, who posed as teens, the following baseless and health-endangering claims: intense UV rays treat depression, trigger vitamin D production, prevent and treat arthritis, and help promote weight loss.

While the Food and Drug Administration discourages indoor tanning more than thrice a week, the investigation found that salon employees actually told callers who were concerned about safety this common advice: “[I]t’s got to be safe, or else [government regulators] wouldn’t let us do it.”
Cosmetologycampus.com, e-learning hub 360training.com’s portal for cosmetologists, provides not just a fully online cosmetology CE program towards a cosmetology license but also important information on safety at the salon.

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